February 9, 2013

The Tasty World of Gluten-Free

  My stomach doesn't do well with carby foods. I thought it might have been Celiac Disease because my stomach would hurt afterwards and I always had stiff joints. It turned out I am just gluten intolerant so I have to go gluten-free for certain foods. I was bummed when I first discovered I was gluten sensitive, because some of my favorite foods had gluten. One of those was pizza! The best part of pizza for me was the chewy crust.
  One day we called Barro's to order pizza and that was when we found out they had gluten-free pizza options. 100% gluten-free. I was so excited and the pizza was delicious being having no gluten in it. Barro's always tastes the freshest and realest. It's interesting to as the world is developing, more diseases are being taken into concern and changes made to accommodate them. I did a little research and surprisingly there are more and more places that offer gluten-free foods now, aka pizza! 
Domino's, GodFather's, Pizza Hut all offer gluten-free pizzas. Sweet. :)

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