September 3, 2013

One Year Anniversary


I'm a little late with this, but Would You Like Pepper With That? has been running over a year now. I'm amazed that I've made it this far with my blog. Before, I never made it far with blogging, so I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking to it. Every post I've written has been a lovely adventure and I hope you've enjoyed them as much as I have. I would also like to thank you, for reading my blog and all the wonderful feedback I've received from you all. Plus, thank you for following me!
  Though each blogger is miles apart from the other, it seems as if there is a small community right here.
Thanks again!



  1. Happy Birthday to your blog! I hope you have another good year of posts and wonderful bloggy goodness! :)

  2. That's awesome! Happy birthday to your blog! :)
