November 13, 2012

Inspiration People

   Jesus is the one person who I center my life around. Who I strive to be. He is the son of God who died for my sins before I even walked upon the Earth. Jesus loved all the people he was with, no matter their ranking. He lived a life of purity and listened to His Father. He sacrificed his life for mine because He loved me enough to die for me. He saved me. I admire Him, love him more than all the things in the Earth. I am blessed and humbled by God for sending him, for someone like me. 

    Adam Young is such an inspiration. His music reaches the soul, yet his spirit is pure and his life is in God's hands. I love how he doesn't let his rising fame affect his personality, his style or his music. He is a very sweet and sincere person and I am glad through his accomplishments, he has stayed true and continues to spread God's love with his words.

     Last but not least, my Mom, Rachel de la Torre. She has cared for me from the very beginning and has supported and loved me though all my troubles and the things we have gone through. She is a strong woman with passion for justice, love and hope and has a generous heart that is always ready to serve. I am so grateful to have a Mom who loves the Lord with her all her heart and teaches me things I will never forget. Love you Mommy!

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